Packer forms new production company, inks two deals with NBCUniversal

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1 minute read
On Wednesday, FAMU alumnus Will Packer visited “The Set” with actor Ice Cube to promote his new motion picture Ride Along. Ride Along, which stars Ice Cube and comedian Kevin Hart, is the first feature film from the newly formed Will Packer Productions.

Packer and his new company have entered into a three-year first-look production agreement with Universal Pictures, a subsidiary of NBCUniversal. Packer will develop movie projects for the multi-billion dollar studio.

“Will is driven by a boundless energy that drives his relationships and permeates his films. We’ve cherished our experience working with him on Ride Along and cannot wait to collaborate with him on more films in the years to come,” said Donna Langley, Chairman of Universal Pictures.

The formal announcement of Packer’s first deal with Universal Pictures came just months after he signed a two-year contract to produce scripted series for NBUniversal’s television division, Universal Television.

To date, Packer has produced four films which opened number one at the U.S. box office and his films have collectively grossed over $350 million worldwide.  He has produced films including Screen Gems’ Stomp the Yard, Takers, Obsessed and Think Like A Man.

In addition to Ride Along, Packer has three other films coming out in 2014. One is much anticipated Think Like A Man Too, which stars Kevin Hart, Taraji P. Henson, Michael Ealy, Gabrielle Union, Meagan Good, and Regina Hall.

At 39, Packer is one of the youngest African American members of The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and one of the only non-writing African-American producers with an overall deal at a major studio.

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