FAMU alumna receives Tony Award nomination

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FAMU alumna Anika Noni Rose has been nominated for the Tony Award for best performance by an actress in a featured role in a play.

Rose is nominated for her role as the inquisitive Beneatha Younger in “A Raisin in the Sun.” Rose currently appears in the Broadway play starring opposite Denzel Washington and directed by Kenny Leon.

In 2009, Rose made history as the voice of Princess Tiana, Disney’s first African-American princess, in the movie “The Princess and the Frog.” Rose starred in the 2006 movie “Dreamgirls” and also was featured in starring roles on Broadway such as Maggie in “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.”

In a 2010 interview, Rose described how she decided to move from Connecticut to attend FAMU, following in the footsteps of several relatives.

“I wanted to major in musical theater and I chose FAMU because it was smaller, more intimate and hands-on than some of the other schools,” Rose said.

Dean of the College of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities Valencia Matthews taught Rose while she was a student.

“Anika was always very clear about what she wanted to do,” said Matthews. “This was going to be her life’s work and she pursued it that way. We are very proud of her.”

The winners of the 68th Tony Awards will be announced Sunday, June 8 from Radio City Music Hall and air on CBS.

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