FAMU among HBCUs penalized for NCAA APR difficulties

big rattler
2 minute read
FAMU has received notice from the NCAA’s Committee on Academic Performance (CAP) that the Kellen Winslow, Sr. announced.
football and men’s basketball teams will not be permitted to participate in 2014-15 postseason tournaments after falling below NCAA Academic Progress Rate (APR) standards, and appeals of the postseason ban were denied, Director of Athletics

Historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) across the nation were hit hard by APR problems. Alabama State University, Mississippi Valley State University, Prairie View A&M University, Savannah State University, and the University of Arkansas, Pine Bluff were also banned from the football postseason.  Alabama State is also ineligible for the men’s basketball postseason.  

“We take responsibility for our failure to meet academic performance standards set by the NCAA,” said Winslow. “I am confident that the processes and procedures that we have put in place, along with the adoption of best practices, will address this issue. We look forward to overcoming this challenge and returning to post season competition as quickly as possible.”

FAMU’s sanctions are a result of the multiyear APR calculations – a four-year measurement covering the academic years 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12 and 2012-13.

The men’s basketball’s multiyear APR score was 900 and football’s score was 885, both falling short of the 910 benchmark set forth by the NCAA for limited resource institutions.

“We are implementing APR improvement plans that have been recognized and approved by the NCAA. This demonstrates that we have identified critical issues and initiatives with measurable goals, including specific steps to achieve those goals,” Winslow added.

Although neither team will be eligible for Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference (MEAC) regular season championships in 2014-15, games played against conference opponents will count in the standings. Rattler football and basketball players will be eligible for all individual conference honors during the season.

FAMU President Elmira Mangum expressed her expectations for a sound academic environment in Athletics. “FAMU is committed to the success of our student-athletes both on and off the playing field,” said Mangum. “Their academic success is our first priority and we take the regulations of the NCAA very seriously because they are designed to be applied consistently across all programs, at all member institutions, and represent best practice.”

FAMU’s APR improvement plan includes a partnership between Athletics and the Office of University Retention to enhance academic support to all athletes. The initiative includes monitored study hall and tutorial sessions, resources to enhance study and time management skills; and required coaching staff attendance in Academic Eligibility Rules Education sessions, to name a few.

Next year's multiyear APR will be the first to reflect the implementation of the corrective measures.

HBCUs with postseason ineligibility in 2014-15

Alabama State University
Florida A&M University
Mississippi Valley State University
Prairie View A&M University
Savannah State University
University of Arkansas, Pine Bluff

Men’s basketball
Alabama State University
Florida A&M University

Men’s Golf
Alabama A&M University

Men’s Soccer
Howard University

Men’s Tennis
Florida Atlantic University

Men’s Indoor Track
Delaware State University
Norfolk State University

Men’s Outdoor Track
Norfolk State University

Women’s Lacrosse
Howard University

Source: TSPN Sports

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