Mangum names new chief of staff

big rattler
2 minute read
Shamis Abdi has been named chief of staff by FAMU President Elmira Mangum. She began her post on May 1.

Abdi comes to FAMU with more than 16 years of experience in management, operations and consulting. She most recently served as the director of operations at the Girls Preparatory Charter School of New York, an “A”-ranked school by the New York City Department of Education.

In her capacity as director of operations, Abdi was responsible for the school’s financial operations, human resources, facilities management, information technology, purchasing, event management, compliance, reporting to the city and state and all school operations.

Abdi began her career as a human resources management consultant specializing in compensation plan design at Towers Perrin in Philadelphia, Pa. She went on to specialize in workforce effectiveness, business process re-engineering and executive coaching at Hay Group in Arlington, Va. Her consulting clients included Fortune 500 companies, quasi-government and government agencies, non-profit organizations and small businesses.

Prior to her tenure at Hay Group, Abdi served in various operational roles at Banc of America Securities in New York and went on to serve as vice president of capital introduction in the corporation’s prime brokerage division. As vice president of capital introduction she helped hedge fund managers find access to investor capital, served as the liaison for compliance and overhauled the division's client relationship management database.

Abdi obtained her MBA with a concentration in leadership/management and strategy from the Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University. She obtained her bachelor’s degree in sociology from the University of Pennsylvania.

Abdi dedicates her free time to volunteerism and is passionate about mentoring and enriching the lives of young people. She has volunteered in communities around the nation and world, such as Senegal, West Africa and Costa Rica, with the goal of ensuring that students are provided with the opportunities necessary to become well-rounded members of society. Abdi is a two-time recipient of the National Association of Securities Professionals New York Chapter’s Financial & Scholastic Training Track Program "Mentor of the Year" award.

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