FAMU alumnus named CEO of St. Joseph Hospital

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FAMU alumnus Kenneth Jones has been appointed chief executive officer of St. Joseph Hospital in Fort Wayne, Ind. His official start date was July 28.

“Kenneth’s experience as a leader in both hospital and physician practice settings lends itself well to the opportunities he’ll encounter running a facility located in an area that’s expected to receive an influx of new residents in the very near future,” said Brian Bauer, chief executive officer, Lutheran Health Network. “His perspective as an administrator, husband, and father of two young children will be important to a growing hospital in a revitalized downtown.”     

Previously, Jones served as the CEO of The Orthopedic Hospital in Fort Wayne and the CEO of Heekin Orthopedic Specialists in Jacksonville, Fla. He also served in administrative and leadership positions at hospitals in Florida and Georgia, where he was responsible for overseeing multiple areas, including neurosciences, surgical services, orthopedics and ambulatory care. At the beginning of his professional career, Jones was administrator of the ambulatory surgery center at Duke University Hospital, where he was also part of the administrative fellowship program.

Jones credits the foundation he gained as a biology student at FAMU for helping him decide that he wanted to become a leader in the healthcare industry. Today, he enjoys encouraging students to pursue the fields of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) because the range of career options is endless.

“FAMU prepared me to go to graduate school, and I was prepared for the GRE and GMAT, even though I didn’t come from the business side,” said Jones. “STEM provides the foundation for a lot of opportunities. That’s one of the areas that I push when talking at student open houses and career day events. Preparing kids for STEM is the way of the future.”

Jones received a bachelor’s degree in biology from FAMU in 2000. He earned a master’s degree in healthcare administration and a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Minnesota in 2003.  Jones’ professional development and community involvement includes earning a Six Sigma Green Belt certification, being a member of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, and board membership with Big Brothers Big Sisters, Science Central, Turnstone and Fort Wayne Urban League.

Jones and his wife, Hope, are the parents of two sons, Kenneth Preston Jones II and Cooper.

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