John Lewis joins Dream Defenders for early voting rally at FAMU

big rattler
1 minute read
Yesterday, civil rights legend and U.S. Rep. John Lewis joined the Dream Defenders for an early voting rally on FAMU’s campus.

Lewis was among the nonviolent demonstrators who were beaten on Bloody Sunday in 1965 as they attempted to cross the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama. The protest helped lead to the passage of the Voting Rights Act later that same year.

Now the representative for the Fifth Congressional District of Georgia, Lewis urged the FAMU students in attendance to exercise the voting rights that were achieved through the struggle that cost many activists their lives.

The event, which took place in front of Lee Hall, also featured live music and food to complement the ongoing homecoming week activities. Along with Lewis, FAMU Student Body President Tonette Graham and Dream Defenders Director Phillp Agnew (a former FAMU student body president) also addressed the audience.

After the rally, trolleys shuttled students to the early voting site at the Smith Williams Center next to campus.

The early voting rally is a continuation of the massive voter mobilization campaign the Dream Defenders began in 2013 after holding a 31-day sit-in in Gov. Rick Scott’s office to protest Florida’s Stand Your Ground law. In August of that year, the organization marched to the Florida Governor’s Mansion to serve Scott with an eviction notice. They have spent the last ten months working to register new voters and get them to the polls to vote against Scott’s reelection bid.

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