Marching 100 travels to DC to support Rattlers

big rattler
1 minute read
From Staff Reports and the Howard University Hilltop student newspaper:

The FAMU Marching 100 traveled to Howard University for the Rattler football team's game against Howard University.  The band's visit marks their first visit to Howard in 25 years.  The 100rd will be a crucial element of support for the Rattler football team who are 1-1 in the MEAC as they face another conference foe.  The band, along with an expected large contingent of FAMU alumni from all over the northeast, could be the edge Rattlers need to secure a win.

The Rattlers, coming off their first win of the season last week, will need a win today if they are to have any hope of winning the conference title this year.  FAMU will look to improve against a Howard Bison team that is 0-4 in the MEAC, and 1-6 overall.  Today's game will see the Rattlers play homecoming guest for the second time this season.
Howard Anticipates Band Battle
While the added excitement of a Howard Homecoming should be enough of an attraction, Howard fans  are looking forward to seeing the 100rd.  According to Howard band director John E. Newson, the H.U. "Showtime" band will be playing some new music for homecoming to add an element of surprise.

“Florida A&M is one of the top HBCU bands,” Newson said. “We battled them in ‘88 and in ‘89 and saw them in the Battle of the Bands, so the band might not be used to them, but I am, and I halfway know where they’re coming from.”

The fifth quarter will sound off following the official end of the football game, where Showtime will have a one-on-one battle with the Marching 100.

Read the full article here.

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