UF follows FAMU’s lead in hiring Cornell senior administrator to serve as president

big rattler
1 minute read
Back in January, FAMU hired a Cornell University vice-president as its 11th president. Yesterday, the University of Florida followed FAMU’s lead by also tapping a senior administrator at Cornell to head the school.

On Wednesday, the UF Board of Trustees voted unanimously to select W. Kent Fuchs as its president-designate. Fuchs (pronounced “Fox”) is currently the provost of Cornell.

Fuchs and FAMU President Elmira Mangum worked together for years at the Ithaca, NY campus. Back in 2009, Fuchs hired Mangum as to serve as the university’s vice-president of budget and planning.

“Elmira Mangum brings an extraordinary range of experience to this key administrative role at Cornell,” Fuchs said at the time of the appointment.

Fuchs also offered tremendous praise for Mangum when she accepted the presidential position at FAMU.

“We offer our heartfelt congratulations to Florida A&M University for the selection of Elmira Mangum as its next president,” Fuchs said in a news release. “This is a visionary choice by FAMU’s trustees and a great accomplishment for Elmira.”

He added that: “This is also a loss for Cornell. Elmira has helped skillfully manage our budget, and we will miss the leadership and professionalism she brought to this mission. She has been a great leader and a great friend, and everyone at Cornell wishes her well in her new and exciting venture as FAMU’s president.”

Fuchs and Mangum have kept their professional ties strong. According to the Tampa Bay Times, Mangum’s name was on the list of references that Fuchs submitted with his UF application.

The Fuchs presidency could be an asset to Mangum’s efforts to build FAMU into an even more powerful research school. UF and FAMU, the two land-grant universities of the state of Florida, already have a number of research partnerships. Mangum and Fuchs’ past success in working together could help the two universities expand their shared research initiatives, especially in the critical STEM fields.

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