Final 3 defendants convicted in Champion hazing homicide

big rattler
1 minute read
Yesterday, an Orange County, Fla. jury returned guilty verdicts for the final three defendants in the Robert Champion homicide case.

Benjamin McNamee, 25, Aaron Golson, 22, and Darryl Cearnel, 28, were all convicted of felony hazing and manslaughter. Their sentencing hearing is scheduled for June 26. Each could face a maximum of 15 years in prison.  

The Orlando Sentinel reported that “State Attorney Jeff Ashton said he will seek the minimum prison time of nine years, as he did for the two other defendants sentenced to manslaughter in the case.”

Prosecutors brought charges against a total of 15 former FAMU band members who were accused of taking part in a 2011 hazing ritual that left Champion, a drum major, dead.

One of the victims of the hazing process, Keon Hollis, testified under oath at the trial that he and Champion asked to be hazed. According to the Associated Press, “Hollis said he tried to dissuade Champion, who had never previously wanted to participate from doing it.”

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