Cassidy hasn’t accepted job reassignment, criticizes $42,000 pay cut

big rattler
1 minute read
VP George Cotton, former VP Dale Cassidy, and President Elmira Mangum
at the 2015 Faculty and Staff Endowment Breakfast
Back on Tuesday, March 15, FAMU Chief of Staff Jimmy Miller sent Board of Trustees (BOT) members a memo about a change in the chief financial officer/vice-president for finance and administration position.

Dale Cassidy current vice president for Finance and Administration has been reassigned to serve as the University’s chief ethics and compliance officer,” Miller wrote.

But The FAMUan reports that “Cassidy has yet to accept the position, where he will be making $42,000 less in comparison to his previous position.”

The student newspaper also quoted Cassidy making a statement that was critical of the pay cut.

“I would suggest that such a cut is not indicative of a neutral change,” Cassidy said in the quote in The FAMUan.

The reassignment decision was a demotion for Cassidy. The new job would his cut his pay from $195,000 to $177,760 and would mean he’d no longer be enrolled in the Executive Pay Plan. 

The FAMUan article, which was posted to the newspaper website on March 28, said that even though Cassidy hasn’t accepted the reassignment he also hasn’t resigned.

“I have not received a resignation from Mr. Cassidy,” President Elmira Mangum said.

Trustee Matthew Carter says he has a problem with the lack of information the BOT has received about the shake-up in the CFO position.

“In the process of awaiting an audit, rather than saying what the status of the audit is, the next thing we know is, we see that the chief financial officer has been demoted,” Carter told WCTV-6. “What does that tell you? I don't know.”

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