FAMU volleyball drops tough duel with #16 Florida State, 3-0

big rattler
1 minute read
The FAMU women’s volleyball team dropped a tough three-set decision to 16th-ranked Florida State, 3-0 on Friday afternoon in Tully Gym.

The scored of the three sets were indicative of the improved talent and depth of the FAMU team, which lost by a total of 12 points on the afternoon, 20-25, 22-25, and 21-25.

Florida State (5-1), which in previous meetings had been able to pull away from FAMU, could not Friday, as the Rattlers hung tough, especially in the second set, which was tied from the start until FSU took the lead for good at 20-19.

Even the final set seemed in doubt as FSU saw a 22-13 lead to shrink to 22-19, before the two clubs traded points, with the clincher coming on an FSU service ace with the score 24-21.

Nicole Abreu led FAMU with nine kills, followed by Maria Yvette Garcia with eight. Nair Canessa added five kills, while Ginna Lopez and Alexis Gosha added four kills apiece.

Valentina Carrasco led FAMU with 12 digs, followed by Garcia and Elena Dimitrova with five each, with Dimitrova also dishing out 28 assists.

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