Kyle Washington’s name finally gone from FAMU Communications staff directory

big rattler
2 minute read
The administration of former President Elmira Mangum often ran its business like a third-rate reality TV series. But now, the channel is changing in Lee Hall.

One positive update that is now apparent on the webpage of the FAMU Office of Communications is that Kyle Washington’s name is finally gone from the staff directory. For a number of months, he was listed as the “student engagement coordinator.”

Washington’s appointment was an example of the low standards that Mangum’s Ex-Chief of Staff Jimmy Miller, who supervised the Office of Communications, and Ex-Assistant Vice President for the Office of Communications Elise Durham had for that administrative unit.

Back in 2009, Washington was a cast member of the BET reality TV show College Hill South Beach. It was the sixth season of the series. A two part-episode called “Ribgate” featured a dispute between him and Kathryn “Kay” Barlow over a plate of ribs. Barlow ate some ribs that Washington had cooked without asking and he later let her know how angry he was.

The two got into a cursing match (which was one of many that Washington had on the show).

Washington has also had a big part in many negative headlines over FAMU SGA issues for years.

Articles by The FAMUan state that Washington urged the FAMU Student Senate to impeach former Student Body Presidents Phillip Agnew and Tonnette S. Graham in the past. But Agnew and Graham both stayed in office.

Graham’s vice-president, Justin Bruno, won the 2016 SGA presidential election after facing off against the Victor Chrispin. Bruno said that Washington was the campaign manager for Chrispin and his runningmate Pernell Mitchell.

Chrispin challenged the results with an appeal to the Student Supreme Court that asked for a new election based on allegations of voting problems at the FAMU College of Law in Orlando. The court ruled in favor of his request, which was backed by the Mangum administration.

Bruno said he believed Mangum wanted Chrispin on the FAMU Board of Trustees because they had a personal friendship that led her to believe he would help protect her job. But Mangum still failed to get a contract extension despite Washington’s efforts to drum up public support for her.

Washington seemed to represent the type of student “leadership” Mangum wanted for FAMU, which is another reason why she needed to go.

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