Democratic voters give cold shoulder to Joyner, Jones’ chosen successors

big rattler
1 minute read
Sen. Arthenia Joyner and Rep. Mia Jones, who are alumni of Florida A&M University, are both leaving the Florida Legislature this year due to term limits. They both publicly backed chosen successors for their seats during the 2016 Democratic primaries, but Democratic voters gave cold shoulders to those endorsements.

Joyner endorsed state Rep. Ed Narain for the District 19 Senate seat she currently holds. Narain is the current chairman of the Florida Legislative Black Caucus (FLBC).

But state Rep. Daryl Rouson defeated Narain in the Democratic primary and won the Senate seat.

Jones endorsed Leslie Jean-Bart to replace her in House District 14, but Jean-Bart lost the Democratic primary to now state Rep.-elect Kimberly Daniels.

Last year, Jones expressed interest in entering the Democratic primary in the redrawn Fifth Congressional District of Florida but stayed out when incumbent U.S. Rep. Corrine Brown decided to seek reelection. Brown lost the Democratic primary to now U.S. Rep. Alfred “Al” Lawson, a FAMU alumnus.

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