FLBC was more concerned about pursuing big donors than defending FAMU

big rattler
3 minute read
Tim Ryan, who is challenging Nancy Pelosi for the minority leader position in the U.S. House of Representatives, recently made a spot on comment about a big reason why the Democratic Party did poorly in the 2016 elections.

“The public sees Democrats … as being elite and more concerned with the donor class than we are with them,” Ryan said.

That’s certainly true for the Florida Democratic Party, which has had a lack of leadership for years. The state of the Florida Legislative Black Caucus (FLBC) during the 2014-2016 term reflected that problem.

The FLBC was once one of the most consistent sources of advocacy that Florida A&M University had. But in the 2014-2016 term the group simply ignored a number of attacks against the university.

In 2015, FAMU lost control of a multi-million dollar college budget after 28 years and saw its alumni become a minority in the 11 appointed university Board of Trustees seats. But the FLBC didn’t seem to see a problem and kept quiet.

That FLBC’s decline in commitment to defending FAMU came at a time when news reports were raising serious questions about its operations, especially when it came to its relationship with the Florida Conference of Black State Legislators (a nonprofit foundation).

A 2014 Tampa Bay Times article took a look at the foundation’s Scholarship Gala, VIP event, and Scholarship Golf Tournament. It reported that “the caucus foundation raised nearly $800,000 over the past three years.” According to the story: “Records of past years' fundraising and interviews with caucus leaders indicate that less than 10 cents of every dollar raised actually go to college scholarships for the students whose names were projected on large screens at the gala.”

The article added that: “In recent years, caucus foundation spending has focused on keeping staff paid and lights on in the office.”

A January 2016 article by the Florida Times-Union reported on a FLBC-coordinated visit to the Wind Creek Casino & Hotel in Atmore, Ala. Then-FLBC Chairman Rep. Ed Narain, D-Tampa, was among the five caucus members who participated. The story said:
The lawmakers, all Democrats whose trip this month was coordinated by the Florida Legislative Black Caucus, didn’t pay for their transportation, meals or hotel rooms. All of that will be reported as in-kind donations to their re-election accounts and political committees. The legislators also received campaign contributions and a donation to the Black Caucus foundation.

It does not sit well with everyone that Narain and the others stayed overnight and were feted by the Poarch Creek Indians, who are lobbying hard for the Legislature to approve slots in Gretna.
That news report about the casino visit led the Orlando Sentinel editorial board to name Narain its “Weekly Chump” on January 27. It editorialized that the trip “was technically legal, but optically terrible — like the hunting trips Republican leaders took in 2013 on Big Sugar's tab. If Narain et al. wanted to add to the cynicism about state government, they hit the jackpot.”

Narain failed in his attempt to win the Democratic nomination for the District 19 Senate seat this year despite of having the endorsement of incumbent Sen. Arthenia Joyner, who was also the Senate minority leader. 

The FLBC and Florida Democratic Party failed FAMU and the entire state by making big donors their #1 concern.

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