FAMU College of Law ranked highest in Florida for diversity

big rattler
1 minute read
The Florida A&M University (FAMU) College of Law was recognized by U.S. News & World Report for having one of the most diverse law schools in the nation. With a diversity ranking of 0.67, FAMU ranked ninth in the annual index and received the highest rank of any Florida law school.

“As more professional schools strive toward providing students with a well-rounded educational experience, diversity becomes increasingly important,” said Felecia Epps, dean of FAMU College of Law.

The index is calculated using demographic data reflecting each law school’s student body during the 2016-2017 academic year, including both full- and part-time students. To be included in the ranking, a law school must be accredited by the American Bar Association. FAMU College of Law has been fully accredited by the ABA since 2009.

“It has always been part of our mission to increase the representation of underserved populations within the legal profession, and we are proud to be acknowledged as a regional and national leader for our efforts towards diversity in legal education,” Epps said.

Along with the U.S. News ranking, the FAMU College of Law was recognized in the Winter 2017 issue of PreLaw magazine for diversity – ranking seventh nationally with an A+ grade.  In the same issue, FAMU Law ranked fourth in the nation for outperformance on the Bar Exam.  This ranking was derived from predictions of bar exam results, based on LSAT scores of the 2013 and 2014 entering class.

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