Partnership helps TCC students become Rattlers

big rattler
1 minute read
By Deja L. Allen
Florida A&M University

Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU) continues to enhance the “TCC2FAMU” partnership with Tallahassee Community College (TCC) after years of producing successful transfer students through the program.

Earlier this year, students gained tons of information about the program during FAMU Advisement Day at TCC, hosted by the Office of University Retention.

During the program, TCC students interested in attending FAMU were able to speak with representatives from each of FAMU’s colleges and schools.

“Today was very important to me because I know for a fact that I am going to FAMU,” said TCC freshman biology major, Lonise Merilus. “I gained a lot of information that made me even more excited to continue my education at an HBCU,” he added

Crystal Flowers, an advisement day coordinator, said her office works hard to recruit and ensure students transition smoothly to the University.

“Recruitment is the heartbeat of FAMU because the University would be nothing without students,” said Advisement Day Coordinator, Crystal Flowers. “Once Transfer students are admitted, they are already halfway finished with their degree. We strive to give them the services and resources they need ahead of time so that when they become Rattlers, they can transition smoothly into gaining their degree and becoming productive citizens in society.”

Among the many resources offered to students who transfer to FAMU is the Florida Community College Transfer Scholarship. The scholarship is available to students with an associate’s degree who transfer to FAMU with at least a 2.5 GPA.

The FAMU Academic Advisement Day is held twice each year during the fall and spring semesters. However, students can also visit the Rattler Room located on TCC’s campus for additional information.

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