Ten Rattler baseball players make MEAC All-Academic Team

big rattler
1 minute read
The Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference (MEAC) recently announced the 2017 Baseball All-Academic Selections, honoring 96 student-athletes from the conference's nine baseball institutions. Ten Florida A&M University (FAMU) players made the list.

Director of Athletics Milton Overton Jr.  praised academic success of the baseball players. 

“We bring our athletes here first and foremost for an education,” Overton said.  “We are extremely proud of the job these young men have done in the classroom.  This is a testament to good recruiting from [Head Coach Jamey Shouppe] and his staff and our academic support staff who have made sure the learning environment is conducive to success of our student-athlete.”

MEAC sophomore, junior and senior student-athletes with a 3.0 or better cumulative grade point average (GPA), as well as transfer student-athletes who have been in residence at the institution for at least one year, are eligible for All-Academic accolades.

“I would like to congratulate our baseball student-athletes who have maintained a 3.0 or better grade point average during this academic school year,” said MEAC Commissioner Dennis E. Thomas. “In addition to recognizing the student-athletes' achievements, I also commend the institutions' academic support staffs, coaches and parents for their support in the success of these student-athletes both on the field and in the classroom.”

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