The ceremony recognized graduates and candidates from the
fall 2016, spring 2017, and summer 2017 classes. Candidates for spring 2017 had their juris
doctor degrees conferred three weeks prior in Tallahassee, Fla. at the University’s
commencement exercises on April 29, 2017.
The Honorable Florida Supreme Court Retired Justice James E.
C. Perry, who was appointed as the 85th Justice to the Court by Governor
Charlie Crist, provided the keynote address.
Justice Perry remained on stage to greet each candidate as they were
hooded. Joining him was FAMU Interim
President Larry Robinson, Ph.D., FAMU Board of Trustees Chairman Kelvin Lawson,
FAMU Interim Provost Rodner Wright, AIA, and FAMU College of Law Interim Dean
LeRoy Pernell, J.D.
Associate Dean Randall Abate announced each candidate as
they were hooded by FAMU College of Law Faculty Hooder and Clinical Instructor
Robert Minarcin. Professor Minarcin was
selected as faculty hooder through a special election by the graduating law students.
The 2017 hooding student speaker was Briana Lans, who
congratulated her fellow classmates on completing the juris doctor degree. Lans
received her undergraduate degree from Montclair State University, and served
as 2017 FAMU Women’s Law Caucus president.
Additional law student speakers included Chloe Ince-Ingram, who served
as the 2017 student graduation chair for SBA, and Kyle Marcil, who provided the
opening meditation.