FAMU working to raise more than $400,000 to send Marching 100 to Rose Bowl

big rattler
1 minute read
During the Florida Blue Florida Classic Battle of the Bands last week, FAMU Director of Bands Shelby Chipman announced a fundraiser for the Marching 100’s road to the Tournament of Roses Parade (Rose Bowl) in Pasadena, California in 2019.

Chipman set a $100,000 goal he hopes to reach by the end of December. The band received $22,000 in donations and pledges between Thursday and Saturday.

FAMU alumnus Bernard Kinsey, a former band member and major financial contributor to the Marching 100 is excited. He lives in California.

 “We can’t wait for them to come out there and change the script for what marching bands do for the Rose Bowl parade,” Kinsey said. “They’ve never heard anything or seen anything like the Florida A&M University marching band.”

Donors who give $1,000 or more will receive a commemorative plaque and a listing on a donor recognition wall that will be housed outside of the band building on campus.

Chipman is seeking 78 more donors to help him reach this milestone and will launch an additional campaign to raise $400,000 by the end of summer 2018. The total cost of the Rose Bowl trip is $500,000.

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