National Rattler “F” Club honors seven FAMUans during Florida Classic Weekend Gala

big rattler
1 minute read
During the Florida Blue Florida Classic Weekend, at the Sea World Hilton Doubletree, the National Rattler “F” Club honored seven Rattlers on the eve of the football game featuring FAMU vs. Bethune-Cookman University.

Curtis Taylor, president of the National Rattler “F Club, recognized the following honorees during the Distinguished Award of Excellence Gala: Darlene Moore (Track) Greg Coleman (Football), Larry Robinson, Ph.D. (Interim President), LTC Gregory Clark (Baseball), Roy Moore (Supporter), Vaughn Wilson (Football) and Thomas Jones Jr. (Chairman, FAMU Foundation).

Founded in 1989, the National Rattler “F” Club’s mission is to assist in promoting the academic and general athletic interest of Florida A&M University, as well as promote the continued development of Rattler athletic teams. The organization also seeks to recognize FAMUans and supporters whose work and contributions have served to advance the university’s mission and the success of its athletics programs.

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