Congressional Black Caucus members visit FAMU to discuss HBCU, USDOD partnerships

big rattler
1 minute read
Florida A&M University (FAMU)’s ROTC was in the spotlight as members of the Congressional Black Caucus recently visited the campus and spoke with students and campus leaders.

Representatives Alfred “Al” Lawson of Florida, Alma Adams of North Carolina and Anthony Brown of Maryland expressed their support for building on the existing partnerships between the U.S. Department of Defense and historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs). President and CEO of the United Negro College Fund Michael L. Lomax also participated.

FAMU was one of several HBCU’s visited by the delegation. ROTC Cadets gave the national leaders, who met with President Larry Robinson, a tour of their facilities and the campus.

Lawson, Adams, and Brown are also working together on another effort to bring more federal assistance to HBCUs. Lawson has introduced the HBCU Parity Act of 2018 (HR 5122), a bill that will ensure funding for facility improvements at historically black universities that were established under the Second Morrill Act of 1890 and Tuskegee University. Adams and Brown are two of the co-sponsors.

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