FAMU's grad rate improvement efforts will benefit from Pell Grant increase

big rattler
1 minute read
The $1.3 trillion federal budget signed into law on March 23, 2018 includes a boost in the maximum Pell Grant amount.

According to the United Negro College Fund, “the maximum Pell Grant award was increased by $175 to $6,095. This program invests in the students most in need, coming from lower-income backgrounds, and affords them an opportunity at an education.”

Back in 2017, the Omnibus Appropriations Bill restored year-round Pell Grants, which hadn’t been available since 2011. Over the previous six year time period, students had only been able to receive Pell Grants for two semesters per academic year, which led to a decline in Pell-eligible students taking summer courses. But now, more students will be able to take classes for three semesters each year and graduate more quickly. The year-round Pell Grants are being continued in the new appropriations law.

A total of 65.4 percent of FAMU undergraduate students (5,008) received a Pell Grant in Fall 2015, which was the highest of all the schools in the State University System of Florida (SUS).

The University Access Rate based on the percentage of undergraduate students is part of the Florida Board of Governors’ performance metrics. FAMU consistently receives a top “Excellence” score in that category.

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