FAMU announces commitment to promote healthier options on campus

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1 minute read
Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU) has announced a three-year commitment to enhancing the campus environment and its wellness efforts by joining the Partnership for a Healthier America’s (PHA) Healthier Campus Initiative, which is designed to transform the campus community by promoting healthier eating options and improved physical fitness opportunities.

“A healthy mind, body and soul are necessary for a productive lifestyle.  It is our pleasure to help our guests accomplish this,” said W. Rebecca Brown, FAMU’s assistant vice president for Finance and Administration/Business & Auxiliary Services.

Leaders from across the campus are also helping to implement the wellness movement, by joining Brown to form a wellness committee, including:
  • Tanya Tatum, director, FAMU Student Health Services
  • Zubar Shahid, general manager, Metz Culinary Management/Dining Services at FAMU
  • Robert Carroll, Jr., director, FAMU Department of Campus Recreation
  • Sarah Price, Ph.D., chair, FAMU Department of Health and Physical Education
  • Michael Smith, director, FAMU Business & Auxiliary Services
FAMU is one of more than 60 forward-thinking institutions of higher learning to make a commitment to implement PHA’s promising practices that range from offering additional options for wellness meals and healthy drinks and diverse opportunities for physical activity.

“We are extremely pleased to have FAMU as an HCI partner,” said Nancy Roman, president and CEO of the Partnership for a Healthier America. “FAMU’s leadership is an important step forward toward realizing PHA’s goal that all young people grow up free from obesity, diabetes, heart disease and other conditions associated with excess weight.”

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