FAMU one of 4 SUS schools that doesn’t have an alcohol selling establishment on campus

big rattler
1 minute read
Florida A&M University is one of the four schools in the State University System of Florida (SUS) that doesn’t have an establishment on campus that sells alcoholic beverages.

The issue was mentioned in a recent story by the Naples Daily News. Florida Gulf Coast University President Mike Martin is weighing whether to let an on-campus restaurant run by the school’s main dining services contractor sell alcoholic drinks to customers who are 21 and up.

According to the newspaper:  “Martin said it's not unusual for universities in Florida to have establishments on their campuses that sell alcohol. He noted that of the 12 schools in the State University System, FGCU, New College of Florida, Florida Polytechnic University and Florida A&M are the only ones that don't have facilities where alcohol is sold.”

None of the dining facilities on the FAMU campus have alcoholic drinks on their menus. The FANG Student Handbook sets strict rules about alcohol sales and consumption on campus in Regulation 3.021. It states:

“No alcoholic beverages may be possessed, served, sold, consumed or distributed at the University except the following FAMU Designated Areas: President’s Box (Bragg Stadium); Alumni House; Faculty Club House; Center for Viticultural Sciences & Small Fruit Research Center for Water Quality; Alfred Lawson Multipurpose Teaching Gymnasium, Grand Ballroom/Student Union; Black Archives; President’s Club (located at the northern end zone of the stadium during football games and other stadium events); Bragg Stadium; and the College of Law.”

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