FAMU students engage in international agriculture research in the Dominican Republic

big rattler
1 minute read
Five Florida A&M University (FAMU) students have traveled to the Dominican Republic this summer to gain hands-on experience in international agricultural careers as part of their Service Learning in International Agriculture course, offered through the University’s global agriculture minor program.

“We are excited to partner with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to increase the participation of our agriculture graduates from historically Black colleges and universities (HBCU) into Foreign Service career tracks,” said Harriett Paul, director of FAMU’s Center for International Agricultural Trade Development Research and Training.

Paul leads the 1890 USDA Center of Excellence in International Engagement and Development (Center), Global Agriculture Program (GAP), through which highly motivated students are exposed to opportunities to prepare for Foreign Service careers with the USDA through the Animal Plant Health Inspection Service – International Services (APHIS-IS) and the Foreign Agriculture Services (FAS).

The Center recently engaged four FAMU College of Agriculture and Food Science (CAFS) students in the inaugural 1890 Universities Foundation Washington, D.C. Study Tour for Agricultural Diplomats. The student representatives are Rachel Fernandez, a junior animal science student, Johnesha Jackson, a junior animal science student; Greg McNealy, an agribusiness graduate student; and Halimah Wynn, a junior agronomy student.

These four students, along with Jorge Del’Angel, a junior biological engineering systems students, are participating in a two-week international service learning experience to the Dominican Republic through June 10, where they are working with APHIS-IS, FAS and local public and private sector organizations on improving the quality and safety of horticultural products exported to Europe and the U.S.

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