FAMU opens Willie Simmons era with 41-7 rout of FVSU

big rattler
1 minute read
The Willie Simmons Era of Florida A&M University Football opened literally with a flash of lightning, as the Rattlers dominated a game Fort Valley State team, 41-7 Saturday evening at Bragg Memorial Stadium.

A near-sellout crowd of 20,262 packed the venerable stadium to witness the first varsity game on the recently installed Astro Turf.

Quarterback Ryan Stanley finished with two TD passes, connecting 11 of 20 pass attempts to pick up 115 yards.

FAMU’s offense deployed a bevy of running backs who combined for 276 rushing yards, paced by speedy sophomore Bishop Bonnett, who finished with a team high 76 yards on eight carries. Sophomore Azende Rey had a 40-yard burst on a run play, and led the club with three catches for 25 yards.

Other Rattler backs in the talented arsenal that should come into play this season included Hans Supre (seven for 37 yards), Ricky Henrilus (seven for 34), backup QB D.J. Phillips (32 yards on four carriesin the second half), freshman Eddie Timman (three tires, 31 yards) and senior Devin Bowers (seven carries, 22 yards).

Sophomore kicker Chris Faddoul had only two punts on Saturday, but he made the most of his chances, averaging 60 yards per boot, with a long of 61 yards which resulted in a touchback.

Defensively, leading the charge were linebackers Derrick Mayweather and Kendrick Kelly with six tackles each. Mayweather added a quarterback sack and a tackle for loss, while Antonio Miller had five tackles, two for loss and a sack. Senior Orlando McKinley had a pass interception, while Doyle Grimes returned a fumbled 20 yards, and Elijah Daniels was in on the play that resulted in a safety for the Rattlers in the south end zone.

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