FAMU Law collects more than 350 lbs of relief items for families affected by Hurricane Michael

big rattler
2 minute read
The Florida A&M University (FAMU) College of Law family along with community partners and friends responded in a huge way to help fellow FAMU students, faculty, staff and others impacted by Hurricane Michael.

“We’ve collected thousands of items in a very short time,” said LeRoy Pernell, FAMU College of Law interim dean. “I know I speak for all the faculty, students and staff when I say, we remember. Just a little more than one year ago, many of us were impacted by severe weather and went without power, gas, and the essentials for many days. We are delighted to help our FAMU community in this time of great need.”

FAMU President Larry Robinson traveled to Orlando to accept the generous contributions on behalf of those in need. Robinson also arrived with a donation of supplies for the hurricane relief drive.

“It touches our hearts to see this most generous and thoughtful donation of bottled water, personal hygiene products, canned goods, hurricane supplies and other essential items,” said Robinson. “We graciously accept these items and say thank you so much for your generosity and caring spirit. We are FAMULY.”

The FAMU main campus and all satellite campuses maintained full power throughout the Hurricane Michael. Special services, including shelters, food services, campus transportation, expanded library hours, showers in facilities on campus and other amenities were provided at the main campus. To assist students, faculty and staff still experiencing challenges, the public and community partners are participating in the “FAMU CARES” Hurricane Michael Relief Drive.

“We thank everyone for helping out,” said Student Bar Association President Cyrus Ellison. “We will continue to serve because it’s in our DNA. And we always care.”

The following donations were collected during the “FAMU CARES” Hurricane Relief Drive and taken to the main campus on Wednesday:
  • 150 pounds of canned goods
  • 75 pounds of dry goods
  • 50 pounds of toiletries
  • 40 cases of water
  • 30 pounds of personal hygiene products
  • 20 pounds of first aid supplies
  • 15 pounds of batteries

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