Gillum endorsed by Miami Herald, Orlando Sentinel

big rattler
1 minute read
Florida A&M University alumnus Andrew Gillum, the Democratic gubernatorial nominee in Florida, has received the endorsements of the Miami Herald and the Orlando Sentinel.

The Miami Herald editorial board said: “Andrew Gillum is the best candidate to pull Florida back to the center, back to making sure the middle class and working class don’t continue to bear the brunt of Tallahassee’s misguided spending; back to acting on behalf of the Floridians denied health insurance by the current administration; back to putting public schools, which serve the majority of the state’s children, in the spotlight; back to being a leader in the fight against sea-level rise and the degradation of the environment.”

Members of the Orlando Sentinel editorial board also wrote a strong statement of support for Gillum.

“Time for Andrew Gillum, an exciting young candidate poised to disrupt the GOP stranglehold on state policy and become an agent of compromise,” the editorial board said. “Gillum, the Democratic mayor of Tallahassee, comes from a modest background. Mom was a bus driver. Dad was a construction worker. Not surprising, then, that his platform is geared toward the middle class instead of catering to the wealthy. Increasing the minimum wage. Paying teachers a salary that better reflects their contributions to society. Ensuring that people aren’t denied health insurance because they have a pre-existing condition, like cancer.”

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