12 FAMU students named to 2019 MEAC Indoor Track and Field All-Academic honoree list

big rattler
1 minute read
The Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference (MEAC) recently announced the 2019 Indoor Track and Field All-Academic Selections, honoring 189 student-athletes from the conference’s 13 institutions who achieved academic success during the 2017-18 academic year.

A total of 12 student-athletes from Florida A&M University were named to the list: Di’Caria Alvarez, Tiara Barnes-Corbett, Catherine Bryant, Jazmyn Dennis, Alelee Figueroa, Sharon Kibiwott, Emmax Kiplagat, Shalet Mitei, Nancy Murgor, Aisha Nelson, Mercy Rotich, and Olivia Simmons.

MEAC sophomore, junior and senior student-athletes with a 3.0 or better cumulative grade point average, as well as transfer student-athletes who have been in residence at the institution for at least one year, are eligible for All-Academic accolades.

“I want to congratulate our track & field student-athletes, who maintained a 3.0 or better grade point average during the 2017-18 academic year,” said MEAC Commissioner Dennis E. Thomas. “In addition to acknowledging the accomplishments of these student-athletes, I would also like to thank the institutional and athletic academic support staffs, faculty and coaches for their support in the success of their student-athletes.”


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