Ann O'Neal, Rattler super fan, has died

da rattler
1 minute read
Ann L. O’Neal, a retired FAMU employee and longtime athletic supporter, died yesterday after a brief illness.  Ms. O’Neal, aka “Auntie Ann”, worked for more than 30 years at FAMU as a Space Analyst in the division of Facilities Planning & Construction.

Ann was a fixture at every single football, basketball, softball, baseball game on campus for over 50 years.  Her enduring loyalty to Florida A&M University was infectious. She was universally loved by all she came in contact with, even forging relationships with fans from opposing teams.

Longtime Rattler fans knew they could always find O’Neal at football games in her reserved seats, she purchased four each year (to spread out), on the 50-yard line, top row, press box side of Bragg Stadium. Back in the day, she would sound her air horn to show her approval after a big play.  After hip surgery, O’Neal moved her seat down to the box seats, still on the press box side of Bragg, but also maintained her four seats at the top of the stadium, just because.

Vaughn Wilson, Associate Athletic Director, recalled on his facebook page,"she never missed a single one of my or my brother (Van) football games at FAMU High or FAMU. She was everywhere the Rattlers were. She didn't play about her Rattlers or FAMU."

Just three weeks ago, O'Neal was selected to be enshrined in the 2019 Class of the FAMU Sports Hall of Fame this fall.  Final arrangements for Ms. O'Neal were not yet available. 

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