FAMU recruits students at Los Angeles Black College Expo

big rattler
1 minute read
Florida A&M University (FAMU) President Larry Robinson and a team of faculty, staff and alumni returned to Los Angeles, California to recruit students at the annual Black College Expo on Saturday, February 2 at the Los Angeles Convention Center. About 12,000 aspiring colleges students and their parents attended the Expo.

This was the second time in recent weeks that the University’s leadership traveled to the Southern California area. On New Year’s Day, the University’s Marching “100” performed in the Pasadena Tournament of Roses Parade and made several appearances that educated the community and students at Santa Monica High School about the band and the University’s historic and academic achievements. FAMU consistently awards more African-American baccalaureate degrees than any other historically Black college or university (HBCU) in the nation.

During the Expo, high school seniors, juniors and college transfer students stopped at booths to meet with recruiters from top HBCUs and a variety of colleges and universities.  This year the FAMU booth was one of the hottest at the Expo.  Even as the event was ending, parents and students were asking for information on how to attend FAMU.

“Last year, I enjoyed meeting some of the nation’s best and brightest students along with FAMU alumni who brought their family members, friends and area high school students to the Expo,” said Robinson. “This year, it was exciting to share the great things happening at FAMU, which include a new research initiative for undergraduates, expanding internships with companies from Silicon Valley to Wall Street, inspirational study abroad opportunities and the construction of new facilities designed to enhance the student experience.”

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