Rattlers drop USF 5-1 in baseball season opener

da rattler
1 minute read
The FAMU baseball team defeated the University of South Florida, Monday, 5-1, in its season opener at Moore-Kittles Field in Tallahassee.
The Rattlers (1-0) entered the game 0-11 at home against the Bulls, but all that changed when Tucker Rayburn hit a solo homer in the first inning and FAMU added a run in the second, and three more in the fifth inning to get the victory. It was FAMU’s first-time in program history defeating the Bulls at home.

FAMU returns to action with back-to-back games against Mercer, today and tomorrow at Moore-Kittles Field. First pitch for this afternoon’s game is set for 5 p.m. The two teams wrap up the two-game series with a 4 p.m. game on Wednesday.

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