Ken Riley, former FAMU and NFL great, dies at 72

da rattler
1 minute read
Ken Riley, the legendary FAMU quarterback who led the Rattlers to a 23-7 record as a starter passed away on Sunday morning at his home in Bartow, Florida. He was 72 years old. 

During his senior year at FAMU, Riley completed nearly 93 percent (100-of-108) of his passes for 1,408 yards and 14 touchdowns. Following his career at FAMU, was drafted by the Cincinnati Bengals in 1969 where he played cornerback for 15 season, finishing with 65 interceptions, which is the fifth-most in NFL history. He was a three-time All-Pro and helped the Bengals win the AFC Championship in 1981. 

Riley is considered the best cornerback and one of the best players in Bengals history. 

He returned to FAMU to serve as head football coach from 1986-1993 and compiled a 48-39-2 record, with two Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference (MEAC) championships and a pair of MEAC Coach of the Year honors.  After his coaching career, Riley served as FAMU Athletic Director where his tight fiscal management of the department produced a budgetary surplus of nearly $3 million upon his departure five years later.

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