FAMU J-School grad named VP, Chief Brand & Design Officer at 3M Co.

da rattler
1 minute read
Brian Rice, a graphics design graduate of FAMU, has been named VP, Chief Brand and Design Officer at 3M Company, a multinational conglomerate whose business units units include worker safety, health care, and consumer goods.

Rice will lead an organization of more than 200 brand and design officers around the globe. He will also be responsible for various 3M brand and design strategies as the company purses its  grow strategy. He will oversee the company's six design centers in the U.S., Europe, China, Japan, Korea, and India.

“I’m excited about the opportunity. 3M has a long legacy of innovation and, obviously, they recognize that design plays a role in that and leading this global group is exciting,” said Rice.

After graduating from FAMU, Rice got his start as a design manager for Proctor & Gamble. That experience led him to the Coca-Cola Company and Georgia Pacific, where he was a senior director where he led brand design, packaging development, product design and creative communication for these iconic brands.

Note:  This story previously appeared on this blog on October 27, 2020.

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