Merry Christmas Rattlers !

da rattler
1 minute read

Merry Christmas to Rattlers everywhere.

While this isn't the Christmas that any of us imagined or expected, we are still here and we are grateful.  

To say that 2020 has been quite a year is an understatement.  We have been through our ups and we have been through our downs, but the most important part is that we have all stayed together throughout.  And, as Rattlers we have continued to press on and persevere. 

For we know that the struggles we go through are only meant to shape us.  We have seen dark clouds before and, as before, we will triumph.  Because we are Rattlers.

Being a Rattler isn't about where you live, but what lives in your heart. So, no matter where you are, we wish you a joyful holiday season! 

Rattler Nation will be publishing infrequently until the new year.

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