FAMU J-School to host investigative reporters and editors workshop

da rattler
1 minute read

The FAMU School of Journalism & Graphic Communications, 
Knight Chair Speaker Series, will host a virtual Investigative Reporters and Editors (IRE) workshop on Feb. 8-12 that will allow students to learn a variety of investigative reporting techniques, including effective use of social media, watchdog journalism, data reporting and multiplatform investigations.
“Due to COVID, we missed the chance to have the Knight Chair Speaker Series last year, but I am hoping all of our students ...take advantage of this year’s opportunity to obtain more knowledge about investigative reporting techniques,” said Francine Huff, Knight Chair for student achievement and host of the Knight Chair Speaker
Huff said the series will include a distinct panel of speakers including Sarah Hutchins, training director for IRE; Corey Johnson, an investigative reporter for the Tampa Bay Times; Mark Walker, a reporter for The New York Times; and Megan Luther, a former investigative producer for InvestigateTV.
“The IRE on Campus program is about building the next generation of investigative journalists and ensuring that our newsrooms are as diverse as the communities they serve,” said Hutchins. “We're excited to work with the students and faculty at Florida A&M on this critical mission.” 
IRE will award 25 free memberships for students and faculty who attend the sessions. Students are encouraged to register in advance of the event due to limited "seating" in some of the meetings. The full event schedule is  here .   Questions or need more info, contact Francine Huff here. 

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