Summer Band Camp returns July 6-10

da rattler
1 minute read

The FAMU Marching 100 Summer Band Camp returns to campus July 6-10, 2021.

Camp went virtual in 2020
Last year, during the height of worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, the camp 
shifted to a virtual format and had its third highest attendance in 27 years with more than 700 students and more than 100 band directors from around the world.

The camp is one of the most comprehensive high school band camps in the country offering middle and high school students an opportunity to work on their music proficiency in small chamber groups, concert bands, jazz ensembles and marching band. 

The camp will also offer instruction for color guard, dancers, twirlers and drum majors.


Space for this year’s camp will be limited and taken on a first-come first-serve basis.  Registration fee is $175 here.

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