FAMU MBA grad Arian Simone appointed to board of Steve Madden, LTD

da rattler
1 minute read

FAMU grad Arian Simone, president and chief executive officer of Fearless Fund,  has been appointed to the board of directors of the Steve Madden, LTD.  
“We are pleased to welcome Arian to our board of directors. She complements our board’s skills and experiences, and with her marketing expertise, we are confident she will provide valuable perspectives,” said Edward Rosenfeld, chairman and chief executive officer of Steven Madden, LTD.
Simone is president and chief executive officer of Fearless Fund, a Black owned $25 million venture capital fund that invests in women of color-led businesses, which she co-founded in 2018. From 2004 to 2017, Simone was the owner of AR PR Marketing, a publicity and marketing strategy firm. 

Simone serves as a member on the board of directors for the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute. In 2021, she was the recipient of the 15th Annual General Motors African Ancestry Network Black History Month Celebration Entrepreneurial Spirit Award and the Detroit Branch NAACP Great Expectations Award.

Steven Madden, Ltd., also known as Steve Madden, is a publicly traded company based in Long Island, NY.   The company designs and markets shoes and fashion accessories for women, men and children.

In 2021, the FAMU Foundation invested $150,000 in the Fearless Fund, to help start  Black owned businesses.

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