Rattlers defeat league foe Alcorn State 70-68 in nail bitter

da rattler
1 minute read

The FAMU men’s basketball team defeated Alcorn State 70-68 in a crucial league contest yesterday in the Al Lawson Center.  FAMU (4-2 SWAC, 6-11 overall) came into the contested ranked third in the SWAC, while Alcorn (4-2, 5-13) was ranked No. 2.


The Rattlers trailed the entire game and trailed the Brave by as much as 12 points with six minutes left in the game.  The Rattlers went on a 6-0 run to cut the deficit to 2 points with 1:37 left, before pulling ahead 68-67 behind a Johnny Brown 3-pointer with 11 seconds remaining in the game.  FAMU was able to extend its lead by 2 points by behind the free throw shooting of MJ Randolph.


The Rattlers had their best shooting performance of the season, shooting 51% from the field and 52.9% from the 3-point line.


The Rattlers return to action Monday night  when they host Jackson State at 7:30 p.m.

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