Rattlers fall to Jackson State

da rattler
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FAMU baseball (25-24, 18-7 SWAC) dropped both games in its doubleheader with  Jackson State Saturday yesterday in Jackson, MS, losing 4-3 and 9-2. 

The losses dropped the Rattlers from first-place in the SWAC Eastern division to second place, behind Alabama State.

Game 1 - Rattlers 3, JSU 4: The Rattlers were down 3-0 going into the top of the second before crossing home plate on a hit by pitch with bases loaded to make it a 3-1 game. The Rattlers added a run at the top of the fourth on a SAC fly by Jalen Niles to make the score 3-2. The Rattlers tied the game 3-3 at the top of the fifth, crossing home plate on another hit by pitch. The Tigers regained the lead on a solo home run to make it a 4-3 game, and that would be enough to hold off the Rattlers.

Game 2 - Rattlers 2, JSU 9:  The Rattlers got off to a quick start scoring on a two-RBI single by Adam Haidermota at the top of the second to give the Rattlers a 2-0 lead. The Tigers got on the board at the bottom of the second on a solo home run to make it a 2-1 game. The Tigers took the lead at the bottom of the third on a two-RBI single to give them a 3-2 advantage. JSU extended its lead, scoring five runs at the bottom of the fourth to go up 8-2.

The Rattlers and Tigers meet agains today at 1 pm CT/2 pm ET for the third and final game in the series.

Update: FAMU lost game three to JSU 13-2.

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