DeSantis backed law makes Florida universities less welcoming to minorities

da rattler
Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) championed a state law that limits
what schools and workplaces can teach about race and identity.

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The University of Central Florida removed statements condemning racism from several academic departments’ websites this week, prompting some faculty members to worry that school officials were self-censoring in an effort to maintain compliance with a new state law limiting what can be taught about race and identity.

Shelley Park, a professor of philosophy and cultural studies at UCF, said the statement in her department, posted amid the national reckoning on race in 2020, “stood behind diversity, equity and inclusivity — which didn’t used to be such a radical thing to say.”

Park said her understanding was that the provost had contacted deans and that the pages were temporarily removed, with additional guidance to come when faculty members return in August. The provost, Michael D. Johnson, did not immediately respond to a message seeking comment Wednesday.
The move is seen as potentially inconsistent with the university’s commitment to creating a welcoming environment — one where faculty objectively engage students in robust, scholarly discussions that expand their knowledge and empower them to freely express their views and form their own perspectives.
“UCF is committed to building a culture that values respect, civil discourse, and creating a sense of belonging,”  Chad Binette, a spokesman for the university wrote in an email.
The removal of the statements were first reported by the Orlando Sentinel.
The “individual freedom” act, which Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) called the “Stop WOKE Act,” went into effect July 1, regulating what schools and workplaces can teach about race and identity.

UCF is the first of Florida's 12 public universities to begin removing such language, others are sure to follow to comply with a new state law.
DeSantis has said he wants to prevent what he describes as intellectually repressive environments at public universities.  Additionally, his administration has pushed changes to Florida's system of public higher education that include altering tenure and accreditation.

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