FAMU to provide students with off-campus rental assistance

da rattler

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Yesterday, FAMU announced its intention to assist new freshmen and transfer students, who are unable to secure housing in one of the university's on-campus residence halls, with rental assistance to help them pay for off-campus housing.  Students will be eligible for $2,000 a semester for both the fall and spring semesters (a total of $4,000). 

FAMU will also provide these same students with a free Gold 400 meal plan to eat meals in the university dinning halls. 

The funding comes from the university's share of Federal Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds (HEERF) received as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“I hope this initiative sends a strong message to students and their parents that we really want them to attend this university, and if they are struggling with the financial piece, we think this infusion of support will go a long way in helping them address that,” FAMU President Larry Robinson said during a news conference at Lee Hal.

In recent weeks, several hundred frustrated parents of incoming FAMU freshmen unsure of where their students are going to live and unsure of how much a potential solution to their recently discovered student housing is going to cost them took to social media this week to vent their frustration about the lack of on-campus student housing and the lack of communications from the university.

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