FAMU seeks $13.5 million to renovate Howard Hall

da rattler
1 minute read

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FAMU is seeking $13,587,872 to renovate and remodel Howard Hall (ROTC Building), which is believed to have been constructed in the late 1950s, and is located next to the Al Lawson Multipurpose Center.    

Howard Hall comes in at number 12 on the Board of Governors' priority list dated March 29, 2023.  The BOG plans to submit its list to the Florida Legislature for potential funding this year.


Renovation of the old building represents a major shift in the university’s thinking to demolish buildings rather than repair them.  

In the past three years, FAMU has seen fit to demolish six campus buildings: McGuinn, Diamond, Wheatley, Cropper, Paddyfote and Truth Halls suggesting that the older buildings were too costly to repair and it was more cost effective to tear them down than to renovate them. 


Ironically, each of the buildings which had been demolished had been renovated after Howard Hall, which was last updated in the late 70s.  Howard Hall also suffers from some of the same ADA, Heating and Air Conditioning, and general safety issues that plagued the other buildings.


According to the BOG wish list, FAMU is also seeking $27.8 million to renovate and repair a Chemical and Biological Research Laboratory Center, which is believed to be the unfinished shell space in the Pharmacy Phase II building.  That request is number 24 on the BOG priority list.


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