FAMU gets two new trustees

da rattler
1 minute read
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Deveron Gibbons
, a developer and longtime St. Petersburg College trustee, was appointed to the FAMU Board of Trustees, yesterday, by the Florida Board of Governors.   Gibbons has a bachelors degree from the University of Florida, a masters from the University of South Florida, and a law degree and an MBA from FAMU.

Gibbons, recently retired as the vice president of public affairs at Amscot and currently serves as a consultant there.  He also serves as the executive director of the Revenue Based Finance Coalition.  

Gibbons is a longtime financial supporter of the FAMU College of Law where he is responsible for securing more than $250,000 in donations to support scholarships for laws students and other initiatives at the school.

Natlie Figgers
, the wife of telecommunications executive Freddie Figgers, was also appointed to the FAMU Board of Trustees, last night by Governor Ron DeSantis.  
She is the founder of Figgers Law, LLC and the Chief Human Resources Officer for Figgers Communications, Inc, and Secretary and Treasurer of the Figgers Foundation.  She earned her bachelor’s degree in criminal justice from FAMU and a law degree from Nova Southeastern University.

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