FAMU Law bolsters Bar Exam prep with expanded support

da rattler
1 minute read

The FAMU College of Law has ramped up its support for graduates taking the bar exam by bolstering its Academic Success and Bar Preparation (ASBP) team and offering a wider range of resources.

The aim is to provide more comprehensive support to the over 100 graduates preparing for the July 2024 bar exam in Florida and other jurisdictions.  "Participants in the program will benefit from detailed feedback on practice essays, along with guidance on time management and study strategies through extended virtual and in-person office hour," said " said Eurilynne Williams, interim director of ASBP and associate instructor.


Since May,  FAMU Law has hosted a series of in-person and virtual workshops, including sessions dedicated to writing Florida Bar Exam essays and tackling Multistate Performance Tests (MPTs) for out-of-state exams.


FAMU Law conducted two live simulated exams for graduates --one focused on essays and MPTs under timed conditions, and the other mirrored the second day of the bar exam in most jurisdictions by featuring multiple-choice questions.  FAMU plans to hold two more simulations before the actual exam.


"Our goal is to equip our graduates with every possible advantage to succeed on the bar exam, ideally on their first attempt," said Cecil Howard, interim dean. "By investing in innovative and proven resources, we are firmly committed to supporting our bar takers on their path to success."

In recent years, graduates of the FAMU College of Law have struggled mightily with passing the Florida Bar Exam on the first attempt, prompting Trustees to appoint a special committee to monitor improvement efforts in the College.   Just last week, a member of the State University System Board of Governors warned that if things didn't improve at the College quickly he was prepared to take the school away from FAMU control.

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