FAMU trustees aim to appoint new permanent president by June 30, 2025

da rattler
2 minute read

In an effort to steer the university towards a new chapter of leadership, the FAMU Board of Trustees is optimistic about having a new president in place by June 30, 2025. 

The board is currently in the process of setting up a comprehensive search process to fill the vacancy left by former President Larry Robinson, who stepped down effective August  4th.

Since Robinson's departure, Timothy Beard has been appointed as the interim president, ensuring the university's operations continue smoothly. 

However, the board is keen on finding a permanent successor who can build on FAMU's legacy and lead the institution into the future.

During a recent meeting, FAMU trustee Kelvin Lawson emphasized the importance of setting high standards for the next president. "I want to just make sure that we set our sights high as we look for whomever that next person is going to be," Lawson said.

The board is preparing to delve deeper into the presidential search during its upcoming meetings on September 11-12. FAMU BOT Chair Kristin Harper has taken on the responsibility of overseeing a 15-person search committee, which is tasked with identifying and prioritizing the board's requirements for the next president.

Harper expressed the committee's commitment to understanding the university's needs and translating those into the qualifications for the president. "We will identify and prioritize what's most important to this board as it relates to what the university needs, and therefore what the requirements are for the president," Harper told Trustees during its board retreat on Wednesday.

The search for a new president is a critical step for FAMU, as the board seeks to appoint a leader who can navigate the challenges of higher education, foster academic excellence, and enhance the university's reputation. The committee's work will be instrumental in ensuring that the next president aligns with the board's vision for FAMU's future.

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