Bryant-vs- Pharmacy Faculty

da rattler

It seems the riff between IP Castell Bryant and the management and staff over in the College of Pharmacy is beginning to heat up again. To refresh your memory see FAMU Pharmacy Back Story & click this:Showdown at Last BOT Meeting

Now that you've taken a moment to review and have caught up.... With the next BOT meeting in June rapidly approaching it seems that pharmacy faculty and students who are concerned about the college's accreditation, particularly after Howard University's graduate pharmacy program was slapped with provisional accredication in recent months over adequate space concerns, are calling around to state and federal legislators to voice their concerns. At issue, Castell wants to divert planning money slated to plan phase II of the new College of Pharmacy Building and use it for another construction project (unrleated to the CoP).

The pharmacy faculty contend that they are in desperate need of additional research and laboratory space for the growing College and its research budget. However, research (or student recruitment) doesn't seem to be a priority of this administration.

I don't really want to put this out there, but it appears that the importance of research may be beyond the scope of our Interim President who has a background in adult and vocational education and received her Ed.D. at NOVA University (back in the day when it was pioneering distance learning).

As pharmacy staff are rapidingly preparing for another visit by their accrediting organization, they want to be able to show adequate progress in adding the additional laboratory space that they promised the accrediting agency in their last visit. This issue has united former Dean Henry Lewis and the current interim Dean and a cast of others against this Castell's "devious plan" to create problems where there aren't any.

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  1. If your report that "former Pharmacy Dean and former Interim President Henry Lewis and the Pharmacy faculty rolled up on Interim President Bryant all John Gotti like and beat back a proposal by her to redirect some College of Pharmacy money to the University. The showdown was high drama and clearly the highlight of the meeting. The BOT sided with the Pharmacy staff and left IP Bryant sitting there with her lips poked out," then IP Bryant is going against the wishes of the Board of Trustees, Why would she do this? Doesn't make sense.

  2. The BoT only tabled the transfer of funds at its last meeting to get more information and plans to revisit it at its next meeting, when the University provides them with more info.

  3. Does anyone know what Dr. Bryant wanted to use the money for?

  4. The academic community across Florida is laughing at FAMU for hiring a person with an Ed.D. from NOVA as its president. NOVA has a very poor overall reputation. It is not known for rigor or high standards. Many seasoned members of the state and national academic community believe that NOVA practically tosses out degrees like parade candy.

    FAMU's BOT has no standards for our presidency. Our president and provost are the least qualified in the entire State University System. The only other former community college president who heads a state university is T.K. Wetherell, a former house speaker and fundraising giant. No other university in Florida has belittled itself by hiring a junior college official as its provost.

  5. I'm sure that the money could be used for other projects, but now is not the time to take this money away. I am a CIS alumni and I know what horrible shape that building is in, but let's be real with ourselves: our Pharmacy school is very prestigious and, in addition to SBI, it is the schools biggest money maker. The last thing we need is to have our accredidation messed up over a formality.

  6. CVB has a degree from NOVA University somewhere in south Florida. What the hell do you expect? She doesn't know jack about research, because that NOVA degree is some kind of education degree. Do those people even write a thesis? They were giving away those degrees when online learning first came into vogue.

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