Provost Pushing Hollins Group Candidates

da rattler
By DInsider
We understand that Provost Austin has demanded that the following colleges and schools forward only five (5) candidates for her consideration:

College of Arts & Sciences
School of Business & Industry
College of Education
College of Engineering, Science, Technology and Agriculture
College of Law
School of Nursing
College of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences

The applicants forwarded must be from the pool provided by Hollins Group; must "not" be ranked by the committee in order of best qualified; and committee must "not" forward any background information/scoring utilized by the committee.

Question for Provost Austin: If this is the case, "what was the responsibility/charge of the search committee?"

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  1. there has got to be some spin either from your source or from the writers of this article, because that is about as ignorant as possible...if that is what our provost is saying then she is more stupid that the word stupid entails.

  2. Well think about her motivation. She saves "face" by underhandedly forcing a selection to be made from the Hollins group. This way the HORRID selection of the Hollins group is explainable. But what she needs to understand is she is playing around with the future of our university, and not her pesky career.

    So she is willing to trade off the quality of the dean selected, for whatever personal or administrative gain or protection. That is irresponsible beyond belief.

    There needs to be a public records request done on all documentation regarding how these selections were made. In addition, we need to pressure her to release the criteria by which these candidates will be (have been selected). Only then could we potentially get her to make a selection thats in the best interests of students, faculty, alumni, and the true spirit of FAMU.

  3. The Hollins Group selection is rather unimpressive and leaves a lot to be desired.

  4. Answer: The committees are mere rubber stamps. The individuals serving on the committees should resign in mass to protest the administration's attempt to use them as pawns.

  5. I agree with you anonymous @ 10:47 a.m.

    Why is everything cloak and dagger on the hill?

  6. I agree with you anonymous @ 11:34 p.m., but do they have the balls to do so?

  7. Why is every post to this blog so negative towards the school. You're getting worse than the Democrat for bad press.

    There are POSITIVE stories on the school developing.

  8. You're right there are positive stories about the University. But now is not the time to sugar coat the very pressing and very REAL issues affecting the school.

    I feel like this blog has a chance to be a catalyst for change by forcing accountability from these administrators. And the only way not to lose sight is o focus on the issues at hand, after they are truly addressed, there will be time to celebrate the positives.

  9. send us some positive news and we'd be glad to post it.

    -the Editor

  10. FAMUAN,

    I read this blog daily. There have been articles regarding athletics, grants the university has received, graduation, and achievements by students and professors.

    It has been pretty fair and balance.

    I enjoy reading it.

  11. FAMUAN,

    Why in the hell did you feel the need to post the same comment three times? We can all read.

    And hopefully, you can read as well. It's time to stop denying the fact that FAMU is suffering from poor leadership and mismanagement. The Rattler Nation blogspot simply posts the truth -- good and bad.

    Rattlers cannot protect their institution unless they have accurate information. The current interim administration has worked to deliberately deceive the public by issuing half-truths and outright lies. It's time to set the record straight and have a fact-based discussion about FAMU. This blog is accomplishing that.

    This is the real world, not some Disney cartoon. We are facing real problems with real consequences.

    Wake up!

  12. Hey, hey. Let's not be too hard on Dr. Austin. After all, she was provost of TCC. She should have had plenty of experience hiring deans for Pharmacy, SBI, Law, and Nursing programs before.

    After all, isn't that what community colleges do?

    Let's all be continue to be complacent, silent, and reactionary like Castell Bryant, James Corbin, and Challis Lowe want us to be.

  13. Holmes, Castell and Austin are cutting deals left and right. True Rattlers need to ask/demand that this dean search is not just a rubber stamp by the selection committee.

    FAMU desires better.

  14. I agree with 1:48 pm.

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