Castell challenges credit union over use of name

da rattler
Rattler Nation has learned that the interim president has threatend the FAMU Federal Credit Union with possible legal action over the use of the "Florida A&MU" and "FAMU" name. Several sources close to the situation have confirmed that Mrs. Bryant & Co. are trying to strong arm the over 50 year-old credit union, founded by FAMU employees, into endowing three student scholarships in exchange for use of the university name.

Ironically, it isn't so long ago that the FAMU Credit Union was housed in Lee Hall.

Credit Union officials are said to have balked at the strong arm tactics.

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  1. J. Luther Thomas, Sue K. Russell, C. M. Speed, M. S. Thomas, Martha Mayo Mack, and other founders of the credit must be turning over in their graves at this news.

  2. You know, Castell Bryant is just crazy. I believe the woman has enough to do--like firing people-- but apparently not. Now, why go after the credit union? She must've asked for something and they wouldn't give it to her. What else could it be? Now, I'm no corporate executive here, but my guess is that she's pissed at someone at that place. Isn't it enough that she's strong-armed everybody within breathing distance? What has she done to enhance the business qualities of teh C.U.? Not one damn thing. She just wants to make sure she touches all buildings and aspects of the university before her time runs out. So, when she passes some building or person she can be nasty and smug and say under her breath that she fired the person or did some other detrimental thing to the person or whatever. Whatever her motive is, you can rest assured that it has nothing to do with $$, but everything to do with something personal, nasty and just plain meanness.

  3. Who GAF? ... "It's Homecoming Week!"

    And - Ain't nothing she can do - nor RN can keep trying to dig up - this close to it that will piss off too many MF's ... Other than maybe denying the 100 from performing at Halftime!!

    So RN ... Give all the "Snoop & Scoop" a rest for a few days ... And just enjoy yourself for a bit!!

    After all you've been doing since your inception ... Don't you think it isn't much deserved?

  4. ^^^^^

    The opinions above do not represent those of ALL RN readers.

  5. I would have to think the credit union has some rights to the name, given that they have a federal charter to operate. So there would be bylaw, board minutes, etc., that identify it as the FAMU Credit Union. There are federal tax IDs, local business registrations, you name it.

    All they have to do is stall; Castell's presidency will be ending sooner than she could get a cease and desist court ruling.

  6. This is absolutely ridiculous! If possible, she needs to be let go immediately.

  7. All I can do is shake my head in disbelief. I am praying for the future of my beloved alma mater. Pure nitpicking at its best by the interim president. If she is about to exit the stage in a few months she doesn't need any power or control of anything. Just let it go Castell, let it go. Leave the credit union and the name alone please.

  8. Damn, 10:44, if you don't want to read this damn blog, then mfing DON'T! Everybody gets all hyped up about HC, but HC only lasts five days. When everybody goes back home, the business of the University is still prominent. HC ain' gone change nothing, so why give important stuff a rest. Quit reading RattlerNation if you don't want to read about the real and continuous stuff here, but just want to party, party, party. Stupid mfer, like HC is the mfing cure for all the university's ills. RattlerNation: keep keeping us informed! Because come Sunday, mfers'll be clamoring to read RN cause all the HC folk will be gone back to theri everyday lives, and the shyt on the Hill will still be happening and CVB will still be at it.

  9. Oops, my bad on the previous blog...
    I mean the 4:44 blogger.

  10. Yall know what would be cool. If the FAMU BOT called an emergency meeting on Friday and vote this bitch out before homecoming. That would make this the best homecoming ever.

  11. The FAMU CU has been a part of this community for over 70 years. It is my understanding that this credit union is the oldest credit union in our community. Instead of praising the credit union for its perseverance, the university has chosen to challenge the credit union for its name, please tell me this is not so. I am a proud member of this credit union and have been for many years, I have watched the credit union grow to what it is today. The FAMU Credit Union certainly has come a long way from its days in Lee Hall to its move to Melvin Street and now to its current location on Monroe Street. The FAMU Credit Union certainly has made a difference in how people are treated, no one is treated as though they are a number, you are indeed treated as a person. For instance, I have had several family members who have challenged credit and the credit union has treated them with the utmost of respect during their difficult times as well as provided them with financial counseling. Although I have stellar credit, I certainly can attest to what the credit union has done for me. The credit union has saved me thousands of dollars in interest throughout the years with reduced interest rates. I refinanced my auto, transferred my credit cards and refinanced my residence. Many of my friends also utilize the credit union as their financial institution.

    The name FAMU Federal Credit Union must remain. Thank you FAMU Federal Credit Union for all you have done for not only me but for the thousands of others who bank with the Credit Union.

  12. I can't imagine having to refer to my credit union as something other than FAMU Federal Credit Union. This is our credit union which is owned by the members and not the University.

  13. sheesh...why is this woman still in office? honestly, her antics just keep getting more and more ridiculous...

  14. God Bless Castell

    If we followed your logic, Conference USA, USA Golf, etc, etc, would all be shut down because the Uncle Sam ain't getting a cut of the mf loot!

  15. God Bless Castell:

    Give it a rest please

  16. The credit union got its orgin from the employees and not this Administration.

  17. The credit union has helped a lot of people in this town.

  18. We love our credit union. Do not change your name.

  19. Our credit union is bigger than this Administration. Save our credit union. I hope the credit union's officals read this blog.

  20. Members of my family were invloved in the start of this credit union. I have very fond memories of their stories of how the credit union got its start. It is my understanding that there were six employees who put in $50 per person for a total of $300 in 1935 to start this credit union for the benefit of the employees of FAMU.

    I for one would like to see the credit union retain the use of its current name.

  21. Who GAF? I GAF. That's who. When I (and my not too-good-credit) went to other financial institutions for a loan, car financing and related money matters, nobody would give me a minute of their time. FAMU Credit Union did. Not once, but a number of times. And for that (and other instances of financial dealings), I'm grateful and appreciative. I've known others whose credit wasn't exactly stellar, and the FCU did them well, also. I'm sure, however, that we don't have too much to worry about when it comes to this name-change thing. I'm certain that the consittion, statutes, by-laws and legal persons associated with the redit union will see that there's no basis for this latest witch-hunt that Madam CVB & Co. are on. If it were up to her, every doggone building, program, division, college, faculty member and staff would not even have a job, much less a doggone credit union. The woman is more wicked than I could ever have imagined, and I have a pretty wild imagination.

  22. $300,000 will probably resolve this issue. What say you to that Rufus/Castell? Will that bring the FAMU FCU into compliance?

  23. The credit union is not a Direct Support Organization. The credit union is owned by the members and not the university.

    This abuse of power must stop.

  24. RN, please tell me this is not true. The credit union has meant a lot to many of us over the years.

  25. If FAMU's Board of Trustees go alone with this one they all need to be replaced. That would confirm that there's no integrity among any of them.

  26. I dislike Castell as much as the next one....but...although her style may be wrong she may be on to something that should be done positively...I haven't looked at the legal issues but any entity that is using FAMU's copyrights name etc should pay appropriate homage to that...That being said the credit union should compensate FAMU for the entire time its used this copyright and likeness. It should be done in an orderly fashion with great fan fare for the credit union. A royalties agreement or something shoul be set up moving forward...perhaps b/c Castell is an Azz it should be done under the next admin. Just my thoughts with out detailed due dilligence.

  27. ^^^^
    Another important point is the history of the FAMU FCU.

    I understand that this institution has been in place since the 30's and the name was agreed upon by the 4th president of FAMU. For over 70 years, it's charter, the approval of the fourth president and the administration allowed it to operate as a financial institution out of Lee Hall until it moved into it's Melvin Street facility in the 80's and then the most modern facility on S. Monroe Street just a few years ago.

    It is the pride and joy of the Tallahassee community and gives people of color an opportunity when no other institution in Leon County would do so.

    Just like people were proud of FAMU's title "College of the Year", we are also proud to pass this building and say it's our credit union.

    FSU Credit Union operates under a like charter as well as Duke, Princeton, Miami, Kentucky, Michigan, Georgetown, and Stanford.

    So Castell, what's the problem.


  29. It's the Credit Union that needs to get its act together on this point. It has no right to use the FAMU name and trademark without compensation.

  30. The last two posters should be ashame for posting those idiotic comments. Go to the FAMUFCU and get the facts or request to read the documents that Lizzie is holding hostage in Lee Hall. Afterall, they are public documents.

    The more I see of this administration's activities, the more it seems like exhortion and racketeering.

    Where is good ole Charlie Crist and what is he doing concerning the University shaking people down for money left and right?

    I thought exhortion was illegal in Florida.

  31. While it must be fun name calling and mud slinging, the question remains: Why should the Credit Union be able to use the University's name and log for free?

  32. Does the credit union fund scholarships for FAMU students? I think if they were to do that, we could have peace. However, we live in a day and age where orgnizations are protecting their "brand" through copyrights and trademarks.

    In order to use it, you must pay. If the university starts picking and choosing which entities they go after, they would be told by us, that would be unfair.

    Let's settle this and have the credit union fund ample scholarships and let's move on.

  33. I hope the opportunity has not passed, but this really is an chance for an inexpensive "Kodak moment" for the Credit Union" to have a photo opp with the University presenting a check for what really is a small amount.

  34. Why don't you fund several scholarships and we can call it a wash?

    For Castell to threaten the Credit Union with a name change or $300,000 (3 endowed scholarships @ $100,000) is simply exhortion. If this is not true, then the Queen of Mean needs to get LaNedra Carroll to send out a press release saying exactly what the case is.

    If Castell had a brain and a personality she could get off her ass and go fundraise, but as it is we know folks will lock up tighter than Fort Knox.

  35. Anonymous said...I hope the opportunity has not passed, but this really is an chance for an inexpensive "Kodak moment" for the Credit Union" to have a photo opp with the University presenting a check for what really is a small amount. 11/01/2006 12:52 PM

    A Kodak moment is Castell packing her siht and leaving FAMU.

  36. Gene Telfair is a thief, jacking the FAMU name and logo and neither wanting to give it back nor pay for it.

  37. What name? What logo. Dat's my name and my logo!!

    /s/ Debo

  38. To Blogger 11-1-06 3:56 PM

    Your comments are incorrect, the FAMU Credit Union was established in 1935.

  39. I have served in the chartering of several credits unions. And this is the first time I have ever heard of something as crazy as this.

    Someone please inform and tell me what credit union that serves its members and bears the name of those it serves pays a ransom to do so.

  40. 71 years is a long free ride.

  41. Mr. Telfair please don't go down without a fight. You have brought the credit union a long way. To be exact 1550 MELVIN STREET to it's current location 1610 S. MONROE. Please don't go down without a fight. WE LOVE FAM FED!!!

  42. I think this is a bigger deal than just the FAMU Credit Union. If you can intimidate and shut down anything referring to FAMU, why couldn't you do the same thing to anything using the term "Rattler" (like this blog!) ?! To me the issue is whether you have a non-profit institution, like the credit union, or a commercial, for-profit one, like a T-shirt manufacturer. There has to be a limit. And even then, Tallahassee Nursery doesn't have to pay Mayor Marks to keep their name!

  43. I believe that the FAMU FCU had it's name long before the current President came to the credit union.
    The credit union was founded by the members for the members. The members are the ones who should decide if the name needs to be changed.

  44. Being a graduate of the FAMU School of Business, I had the superb opportunity to work under the leadership of President & CEO Gene Telfair. Not only did he give me the opportuntiy to work as a paid interm at the credit union he also gave me the opportunity to continue to work as a part-time employee until I graduated. I can honestly say that what he did for me as a student will never be forgotten. Not only was that my first job but I also gained first hand experience from a man who has been in the banking business for well over 30 years. Mr. Telfair may God Bless you, your staff and most importantly the members through this outlandish matter.

  45. Kato Kallen said...71 years is a long free ride. 11/01/2006 4:55 PM


    What free ride? Ain't nothing free in the US. Ruff Ruff go back to work and stop trying to imply that our credit union created for and by FAMU employees owe Cast-the-V-Hell a got damn thing.

    I betcha Corbin, the snake is behind this, because Gainous tried something similiar to this as well.

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