Alumni Casino Night Moves to University Center Club

da rattler
The FAMU National Alumni Association's Homecoming Casino Night gathering for alumni has moved from the Governor's Club to the University Center Club, Saturday night. It appears that because of the overwhelmning interest in the event that a larger venune was needed. Click here: NAA Casino Night

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  1. I know Moses Miles, Benjamin Perry, and others are crying. It is a sad day when FAMU alumni have to go to FSU Doak Campbell stadium facilities to host an alumni event. The inference is that FAMU does not have adequate facilities to host an alumni dance. Do you thnk FSU would hold an ALUMNI event at FAMU?

    Could we not have found another place in the City of Tallahassee to hold this event? There are plenty of vacant storefronts that could potentially have been used for a party/CASINO NIGHT? What about the Civic Center? I would have rather gone to a heated tent on the campus or the fairgrounds before having to go to FSU.

    It is certainly appropriate as an individual FAMUan to host your affairs--weddings, seminars, etc at the facility. I could have even justified it in my mind if our facilities were under renovation, like years ago when we had to play football at Doak Campbell.

    For this scenario there is no excuse. I am embarassed and I hope FAMUans will never let this happen again.

    It is time for us to put our monies together to have adequate facilities in our hometown to address the needs of FAMU alumni and other DSO organizations.

    Where was the leadership of our alumni association when this decision was being made?

    I am most appreciative of the effort and desire to plan what had the potential of being an outstanding event. However, the premier institution for higher education should have adequate facilities and should not have to go begging.

  2. BTW ... Did you bother to attend the Event?

  3. I guess my thoughts are not clear.

    I am sure the event was a well planned and a very nice event. I am sure the facilities were very nice and people had a good time. I commend the planners for wanting to have an event for FAMU alumni. Thank you and I hope you will do it again next year at another venue.

    That is not my issue. My point is about the "principle" of FAMU needing to host its alumni event at FSU. We are also a "state school" and should have adequate facilities to host any type of event we would like to have on OUR campus. As I said before, I guarantee you, FSU would never come to our campus to host anything. If we had the nicer facilities, I am sure within months, they would build something better.

    Right now, people are claiming that our engineering school is under siege by FSU and we go and party with an institution and people that if they could clap their hands and get rid of us tomorrow, they would.

    It's about PRIDE!!! Not whether the party was slamming and the facilities were nice.

    No, I did not attend on "GP", general principle.

  4. GP is the same principle that keeps Alumni from doing a got damn thing. The University Club Center is privately owned and has been since it's inception. It just happened to be located on FSU's campus.

    I am a card carrying member as well as a host of other FAMU alumni. There are over 20 clubs like the one at FSU across the state of FL and over 200 across the US. My card grants me admission to all of them.

    So you keep your PRIDE and I'll keep my card.

    BTW, I did not attend the event, but if I had been in Tally, I would have.

    I'm sure Moses General Miles, Gore, Perry, Lee and others are turning over in their graves at the sad state of affairs the university currently finds itself in. I know for a fact, MGM would not stand for all of this negative publicity created and manufactured by the present administration.

    Castell would have been gone a long time AGO!

  5. Thank you for the education. Maybe you can talk to this organization and see if they would be interested in sponsoring a facility that is tied to a black institution, since it is private. BTW, nothing just happens...

    Since you enjoy belonging to this club, wouldn't it be nice from an economic development perspective to have a club that generates dollars for the black community and an hbcu.

  6. It's all about economic development. If we keep spending our money with other people we will never have for ourselves. You look at it simply as a nice venue to host a party.

    I am saying when you look at the city of Tallahassee, the capital of one of the largest states in the country, a city that has 3 large educational institutions. Tallahassee whether we want to admit it or not, has a lot of well educated African Americans making decent incomes relatively to the city population as a whole. Why don't we have more African American businesses in the city?Why don't we have nice restaurants for an elegant night out? Why don't we have more apartment buildings for the students?

    People look at Atlanta and now Charlotte and think they are anomalies. We can have that same kind of culture and black enterprise here in Tallahassee.

    However, we always want to run and spend our money some place else. I want a nice black-owned catering house in Tallahasee that is turning money over in our community and giving money to our university.

    It's about economics and not whether the club is private, whether they are around the state. How much money do you think that club is generating on behalf of our community? How many scholarships is this corporation donating to black students around the country.

    FAMUans should be able to pool their money and build quality facilities in Tallahassee.

    Yes I am a dreamer. However, I believe we can do anything that we set our minds on. It is time we start trying to develop the economic base for African Americans in Tallahassee. Someone needs to step up other than Bethel Baptist in this enterprise.

    This is one of the many roles for alumni and others interested in the university.

  7. Mr. "GP"...

    I totally agree with you ... We should never have to resort to using an FSU facility for something ...

    BUT ...

    How much are YOU willing to pitch in to build one around the Bragg?

    I attended the Event FOR the same "GP" ... Just to see what it is that they offer their constituents over there, and there was NOTHING up there that YOU, and ME, and every other so called Rattler couldn't do FOR ourselves!

    You wanna talk about having some "PRIDE" ... But will turn around and continue to run like complete ackjasses to a City like Atlanta, and hand them well over $50M of your dollars - And receive literally NOTHING for it in return?

    ... We Better "WTFU"!!

    A University Club could be built on top of the Fieldhouse of a refurbished Bragg - and was something discussed among some of us at the Event Saturday ...

    How Much Are ANY of YOU Willing To Put Up To See It Happen?

  8. I am willing to put up $20,000

  9. Please send it to:

    P. O. Box 7351
    Tallahassee, FL 32314



  10. If the NAA ever gets to the point where they develop an initiative of economic development to build a university club, catering facility, i will put my money up. Unitl then, I will coninue to support the NAA, athletics and the university at my current levels.

    When a committee forms for this activity, I will join to help develop the plan and give my money. To just give $20,000 to the NAA now, for what?

    I am interested in investing it activities that can build the community and turn over dollars in our community.

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